Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Digital Transformation

Before my introduction to digital camera, I sent in my roll of film to the shop, developed all the photos, and throw out the bad ones. I kept the rest in my photo album. This is me two years ago.

Before my introduction to photoshop, I picked the good photos, printed out the selection, and then saved printed copies in my photo album. This is me six months ago.

After my introduction to BOTH photoshop and digital camera, I spent much more time in post-production. To ensure the best quality, I spend more time taking and playing around photos than was before. That is me at present.

As I am writing this blog, my memory flashes back to a person who used a very high-tech digital camera on my 21st b-day dinner. I was amazing by the fact that he did not print out any of his digital photos and store everything in his computer.

You can call me a slow adopter. Viewing photos on a computer is quite different from flipping through pages in a photo album.

But I have changed. I no longer develop all the photos; I pick a few good ones, touch up with photoshop, and then change photos in my picture frame every once in a while.

Maybe I will become “fully-digital” someday. But printed photos will always be more memorable and valuable to me.


Anonymous said...

謝謝你的邀請 不過我是星期天才回

Yang said...

哈哈哈 我現在也很少洗照片了 但是 有時候很懷念那種照一堆 也不知到會不會美 但是卻忍不住想趕緊沖出來那種感覺
有時候照出來得照片不一定是最美的 但是卻多了一份期待的美