Sunday, March 26, 2006

Cherry Blossom Again

Yup, that's right, it is that cherry blossom season again - my fifth year taking photos in this overcrowded tourist spot at UW.

To spice things up, I mixed in some Before and After photos. One thing I know for sure is the weather. It is definitely colder this year. But other than the people in the pictures, there really isn't that much of a difference. It is just as beautiful as last year, the year before last year, and many many years before that. This makes me wonder whether it would be my last year taking those repetitive photos??

This Year - Connie, Cindy, and Yee

Last Year - Yang and I

On the way back, I took a picture of Denny Hall, the oldest building on UW campus. According to the UW website, Denny Hall was first introduced in September 1985. This building was recently restored to ensure survival under future earthquakes. The safety measure has yet to be tested, and no, let's hope it never will be tested.

As time goes by, cherry trees, Denny Hall, as well as the rest of UW buildings will always be there to welcome the new generations. The scenes might get dull and eventually i will stop taking photos of those once known as "The Stunning Beauty." What never fades out is the remembrance of this campus - a place where i met most of my lifelong friends. This memory will always be meaningful and I will forever cherish that in my heart.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Four Categories

Most people belong to one of the following four categories:

  • Smart and Humble
  • Dumb yet honest about the fact he/she is not so sharp
  • Smart but Arrogant
  • Dumb and Arrogant

Smart and humble, it is very fun to hang out with those people. You can often stimulate a deep, thoughtful conversation and feel quite rewarding at the end. Best of all, you feel very comfortable throughout the process and they will never make you feel stupid.

Dumb and Honest. It is ok to say stupid things and joke about it. If you can ask questions nicely and politely, almost everyone would love to help.

Most people I have met fall into category III. Well, if you are smart but a little bit arrogant, that’s fine. You have right to be proud, as we don’t get to see many geniuses running around everyday. As long as they are reasonable, we can work on that little attitude problem later.

Now I would like to devote my full energy to address to my last group: dumb and arrogant. I really want to choke and squeeze those people hard sometimes. If you are slow, so be it. It is ok to be slow, but please respect others who can think ahead of you. It is especially frustrating talking to those people who are going around circles, repeating over and over again. I got your point the first time, ok? (that's if they any valuable point to make at the first place) As I try to cut short the conversation and give my answer after 10 seconds, they can’t listen. They will go on and on for another 5-10 minutes and finally ask: Cindy, do you get it? It seems as if their ears shut down automatically as soon as they start talking.

What really bugs me is how I have to repeat my answer all over again, 10 minutes later, for exactly the same thing I just said earlier. Yet they don’t think I am paying attention...