Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Spider...You Die

Spotted a 1.5 inch spider INSIDE my house. I asked around if anyone knows how to get rid of it without physically TOUCHING the spider. The most common answer is...

Find someone else to kill it for me.

yeah, thanks a lot. Just whom I am going to ask? I live alone. okie.

I remember Connie had a spider problem last week; we spent the first 30 minutes on the phone trying to figure out a solution. Unlike how I would attempt to kill them all, she want to keep them alive and not hurt the spiders at all.

Well, shame on me, but look what happened now: Connie's spider friend decided to move into my place, taking over my space....inch by inch.

Why can't spiders just age fast and die OUTSIDE of my house?

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Started cooking more often recently. I actually go back to 3-4 meals a day routine; that is something I have not done in a long time – eating on clock with snacks in between that is.

It comes as a surprise that cooking is not too hard after all, IF you keep the expectation LOW and not picky. I wouldn’t say cooking is fun, but it certainly saves a lot of money verses dining out. Since I am cooking just for myself, everything is easy. As long as it is well cooked, I can eat them all.

However, nothing compares to my lovely Thai yellow curry. Even though I just had it three days ago, I miss my baby yellow curry already. I brought the pre-made curry source the other day, but it is nothing like what I have in Thai restaurants. Hum..there must be a secret recipe out there….

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Oops, I did it again.

Always hated it when this happened, but I just couldn’t help it…falling into sleep right after consumption of large amount of food.

Now I just woke up, three hours after my dinner, feeling extremely guilty ...and hungry again.

Also, all the sun cakes are officially gone. Say goodbye to all three pieces of them.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Big Moon Day

Does the moon look pretty bright and round to you today? Well…it is.

Happy Moon Festival and good luck to those who are taking the finals.
I tried to get a good shot of the moon, but they all look darn small on my digital camera.

BTW, if you have extra moon cakes, please have them delivered to Cindy’s place. I can trade you with my sun cakes (太陽餅). I have about 3 pieces left.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

An Interesting Question…

If you go out with a guy friend for a casual dinner and he offers to open the CAR door for you, would you feel weird? Is it normal for guys to open the door for the lady?

(Note: it is not a date, just a casual hangout)

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Ice Caves Today

The trip of this weekend is "ICE CAVES"...which I will depart in less than 6 hours. (Why is my place so far away from EVERYONE and EVERYTHING; Life is just not fair when you have to wake up the earliest.)

FYI: Yee already loaded the last half of the San Juan photos. I also transferred greenlake and singing photos, too. You know where the photos are located.

As a side note, I finally finish translating my graduation project (only the PowerPoint slides) in chinese. It took me three days of hard work. 最大的收穫是中打真的變快了

Ice Caves Photos Updates....
Those photos are in original size, they are pretty big, huh.

Inside the Ice Caves

With My Best Travel Partner

The Far View of the Ice Caves

My Favorite Shot of Connie

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I am just leaving you some personal space...

Many people might not agree with me, but I do believe friendship sustains without regular/ frequent communications.

A few friends of mine briefly touched on this subject this evening. Personally I am totally comfortable with the idea that friends do not call me up regularly, but still manage to keep a good friendship (yes, even if they do not call me often, I still consider them as good friends of mine).

In fact, I believe true friendship will survive under that condition. If I were to be away from my friends for a long time, I am still able to talk to them like I never left. Time would not make any difference. (However, friendship is different from relationship, though).

I wouldn’t say this concept would work well in very case; it strongly depends on the person. Of course it is nice to receive warm greetings from my friends, but it also does not bother me that friends do NOT call me regularly. Hum…maybe that's why people stop calling me these days.

Just for future reference, if I do not call you for a long time, it does not mean you are forgotten . I still care great deal about you, but I am just reserving some personal space for you at the same time.

However, I will always be around whenever you need me.

I wonder if my cell phone will ever ring again after this entry… ><

Monday, August 08, 2005

The Day After Portland

Didn't do much other than washing my car today. The process might not be fun, but it is always rewarding to see a clean, finishing product. Yeah, I am turning more and more like a real o ba san now.

I am still in the process of loading and organizing Portland photos. The Mt. St. Helens (see below) is by far the best photo taken on the train.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

San Juan Photos Loaded

A total of 146 photos are now loaded on OBS site. My index finger even gets sored clicking through these photos, ha.

San Juan Part II: A New Realization

After a brief moment pondering over the highlight of the trip, the realization comes beyond the physical encounter with natural beauty. Sure, you can say about the amazing island views from Mt. Constitution or a stunning close-up of Mt. Baker.

But what matters the MOST is the opportunity to go on this trip with two of my special friends. It is the experience to drive in the dark on an island we know nothing about; it is the experience to hold a flash light and hike over to the public bathroom to take a shower (there is no private bathroom in our cabin). It is those simple moments that made this trip memorable.

Yee asked me the next morning whether I was afraid to drive in the dark.

My answer was no.

It is not that I am not afraid of getting lost in the dark. It is the thought of knowing your friends are right there next to you, a thought of not being alone, supported me the whole time.

Without their help of reading road map & giving turn-by-turn directions, I would not have possibility focused on driving. It is one of those times that you really appreciate teamwork, and most importantly of all, friendship. Thank you, girls.

San Juan Part I: Amazing Views

Our trip starts with San Juan Island, where we spent the first day tour around the main city- Friday Harbor and watches whales in Lime Kiln Pt. Park. We then island-hopped to neighboringisland, Orcas, for the most incredible view of San Juan Islands on top of Mt. Constitution.

A few photos to share first; the rest will soon be posted on OBS site if interested.

No, it is not Mt. Rainer. It is Mt. Baker.

A beautiful lighthouse taken on Lime Kiln Point State Park, where we see the whales from shore.

I wonder who wanna hike here...

American Camp on San Juan Island. Most of the camp looks like a desert.

South Beach on San Juan. Not a white sand beach. We sit on a log and had a light dinner here.