Sunday, March 27, 2005

I love Taiwan

First week in Taiwan and I have gained 2 pounds…it is going a bit faster than I expected. The bubble tea is just too cheap, a large cup with tapioca cost less than 1 dollar (average 25 NT per cup) I manage to drink one cup per day. It sorta explained why I gained weight so fast.


Yang said...

hahahahahaha... that's what i thought too... food in TW is just way way way toooo good to be ture.
I was gonna to call you to say goodbye before you left for TW, but I missed that. ( I thought it was Monday left)
Anyways, it's nice to see you start posting again.. Enjoy your break overthere and have a "safe" and "smooth going" wisdom-teeth removal.

CinDy said...

No problem, it was too late for you to call anyways.

I went to see the dentist today and my coming removal seems to be very complicated due to the location of those teeth.

Since I will go through a painful process, I will eat more good food and do the surgery later.

juiyout said...

Sorry I can't meet you...
I'm much busier than I thought would be.

I'm officially 170 lbs.

CinDy said...

No problem. When are you going back to Seattle? Or you are already in Seattle? Good luck on your exam.

Aren’t you happy that you gain weight?