Tuesday, July 05, 2005

OMG, I got my bikini line already!

The thing is… I didn't even stay for that long. Two hours of straight sunlight already showed me visible difference in my skin tone. As soon as I removed my bikini, the parts covered under my bikini are lighter, much lighter than that uncovered parts. The result is so much faster than what I expected.

What really pissed me off is that I forgot to wear sunscreen lotion in the section below my neck and above my belly. As a result, they turned red…and will be super dark tomorrow. ><

So here is what I have learned

  1. Apply sunscreen lotion evenly BEFORE wearing the swimming suit. That way I won't miss any spot.
  2. Even if the bottle says“waterproof," don't take their word for it. Always re-apply again after coming out of the water.

My mom worried that I will get too dark and kept on saying the color I have is good enough. She always thought Asian ladies look better in lighter skin and encourage me to stay away from the sun as far as possible.


Anonymous said...

oh, my dear Cindy, i wish i were with you there under the sun shine!! cause there are only sad rainy, cloudy days here....we need those sun shines in seattle!

miss you~~Rida

Anonymous said...

Rida 潛水終於浮出水面ㄌ~~~
我跟你媽媽ㄉ想法一樣 我個人


CinDy said...

sunscreen...wear a lot of suncreen lotion.

To Rida: Because there is less sunshine in Seattle, people appreciate more when weather actually turns sunny.

Anonymous said...

怎麼沒有TO RICCA??

CinDy said...

hahaha...this is for Ricca, and Ricca only~

I used to like lighter skin, too. Well, as long as I am not too dark, I think girls look healthy that way.

I will go check your blog now. : P