Friday, July 29, 2005

The Island

Went to see The Island today. The story is pretty much I expected… and more. I always like action movie with a solid storyline that leads you somewhere. The Island does just that.

There is no disappointment throughout the movie, except the lady who screamed so loud at one point in the movie theater ; her voice actually scared the heck out of me. This is not even a scary movie; there is really no point yelling so loud, lady.

The Island deals with clone issues. This is the kind of movie that makes you think a bit after it is over; a good topic for a 5-page sociology term paper that discusses whether human has the right to copy themselves via technology advancement.

Of course, there are more surprises in the movie, but you have to see for yourself.

If there are more famous & cute actors in this movie, I am sure The Island will be a big hit in the box office.


Anonymous said...

我也有看喔!!! 真ㄉ決ㄉ蠻好看ㄉ說~~


CinDy said...



Anonymous said...

哇 難得版主寫中文!!