Thursday, October 12, 2006

Back to Beginning

Simply saying that I have been busy might be a lousy excuse, but there is just so much going on that I just don’t know where to start!?! Anyhow, it finally feels like settling down and I can’t wait to get back to my old routine again. The problem is, do I even have a routine to begin with?

Before I can set up a new one, I am going to make a sacrifice first. After all, nothing comes easy, right? This decision that will grant me additional 2-3 hours a day, approximately 15 hours a week. Just the time I need for my new plans, whatever they are.

I always dream about those so called “plans” every morning, but sadly, I don’t have the energy to accomplish any of them after work each day. *sigh*

This sacrifice might be painful at first, but I have finally decided it is time to let go my love of 2 months- my sweet online blockbuster deal. Initially I subscribed it so I would have something to do after work. Since there is no cable TV in my place, DVD becomes the second best option to allocate my free time – it is like watching TV with some form of control. But who am I kidding, really?

There is just so much I can watch, and they keep on coming in the mail. At the end, I am exhausted. It has gone to the point where I go home, eat, watch dvd, then sleep. It is not a healthy routine at all. Plus I go out for lunch more often than ever; my weight is going up like crazy. Damn it.

Here I am, self-reflecting again for a fresh start. This time, I hope it will go on a bit longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay.. for me, I gain weight because of stress and the cold. Well... let's both do some weight watching so next time we see each other (When will that be? come back soon!) we won't be in shock^^
