Sunday, April 30, 2006

Rain Rain and Snow??

After a week of lovely sunshine, I fall in love with Seattle all over again. Just as I was ready to take out my tennis racket and went out for some outdoor exercise on what-I-thought-would-be perfect Saturday afternoon, sky turned dark and soon started raining. What the heck? I changed back my normal cloth and called my friend to cancel the fun.

Alternatively, we went to a Belle Pastry – a French bakery in Bellevue. We picked a window seat, watched people walking pass by, and talked nonsense for a short while. It is like that scene in Sex and City, Carrie and her friends having a brunch during weekends. (In my case, it is afternoon tea because I woke up late). To my surprise, I am actually very happy to enjoy a heavy-rain Saturday like this. Sitting in a coffee shop with my cake and coffee- I am easy to be pleased.

After years living in Bellevue, I am shameful to admit that I have never been that that part of Bellevue (around 100th and main street). There are some high-end clothing stores, antique shops and even a bathroom accessory store with a magnified mirror cost more than $300 bucks. Who will need a mirror like that when I can get a set of my own for under 30 bucks in Bed, Bath and Beyond? There is one reason you gotta love those chain stores.

It is not only the rain; temperature must have dropped at least 20 degrees in matter of 24 hours. During my drive home, it even started snowing. Can you believe that? Snow in May!?!


Anonymous said...

cin.. the coffee looks so nice- it looks like the shape of a leaf on the foamy, creamy top. what's inside that yummy looking pastry?

p.s. my student who lived in issaquah's plateau told me that it snowed at their place, too.. how unpredictable the weather has been the past few days! the news' weather report is not that accurate anymore....^^ haha!

Anonymous said...

it's obs AMY upstairs haha^^ enjoy ur sunday evening!! (i just finished teaching.. hehe)


Anonymous said...

haha snow of May!!
Now Taiwan also has a big flower festival called Snow of May!!^^
I went there on April so I didn't see any flower = =

Oh!!I am hungry.