Friday, October 21, 2005

OBS meet again

Whole bunch of old ladies met again for Thai Food this evening. It is one of the largest group we have had since our President, Yang, went back to Michigan for her studies.

After our always-Thai-by-choice dinner, we went to a Japanese dessert place called "Hikori" in Wallingford for tea and cakes. I ordered a pot of Assam and shared it with the rest of the group. Because we had a such large group, we kept on refilling the hot water. If I remember correctly, we refilled the water for at least 4 times. I felt bad bringing back the empty pot and asked for more hot water. Well, you can't really blame us for this; their cakes are just too sweet, we all need water to "dilute" the sweetness somehow.

Should have taken the picture earlier...

Bunch of old ladies hanging out at Hikori

We chatted some more at Rida and Jamie's place for the rest of the night. By the end of day, we came out with the theme for our Halloween costume. Just exactly what our theme is? Hum..All I am going to say is that it will be a freezing night, but all of us will look hot and sexy.

I miss this kind of gathering every once in a while. It feels great to be surrounded by whole bunch of old friends. Oh yeah, the rest of photos have been posted on OBS site.


Anonymous said...

萬聖節ㄉobasan meeting 也有照片嗎?


CinDy said...

我有照些別人精心妝扮 ,鬼模鬼樣的照片。


Anonymous said...



CinDy said...

I post some on our OBS site just now.

There was a costume contest at Broadway Grill. Guess who was the winner?

BTW, 你有沒有周杰倫的新歌? 他的新專輯好聽嗎?

Anonymous said...

Go to
login name is ......
password is .....
I'll email it to's obs member only photo site!
There you'll see lots of photos ..hehehe...

Amy =^.^=