Sunday, June 12, 2005

Maybe it is a good thing to dress up

I bumped into my classmate and her family at ToDai after graduation yesterday. Later that evening, she called and left me a message.

I called back today and found out her brother is interested in asking me out on a date.

Never gone out on a date with non-Taiwanese before. This will be a new experience for me.

Mahahahah… I would suppose my dress did catch some attention yesterday. : P

Next question: what should I wear on the date? I can’t find anything to top this dress. He probably will be a bit disappointed when I show up in jeans.


Anonymous said...

你那天穿什麼?? 快推薦給我們這些女
性朋友吧!! 這個故事給的啟示就是
除此之外 你美肌女王的封號可

Anonymous said...

mmm, i can't imagine myself goin' out w/ a non-taiwanese~ (i'm not racist la) is he a white guy? good luck and don't forget to post somethin' after ur date!

CinDy said...

Ricca: That dress doesn’t reveal too much skin but fit my body curve very well. It is a “traditional” dress that many Chinese would wear.

Ok, enough hints. This should be very easy to guess now.

Yunibo: Nah, that guy is Asian. I forgot about his nationality. Second or third generation Asian American.

Amy : I seldom attract right type of guys. Most guys I like never ask me out. ><