Saturday, April 23, 2005

How many of you remember Bob Lin?

I had dinner with him and his girlfriend today. I felt like an untra big light bulb sitting in the middle. We went to a café place where they serve a simple combo meal, including a soup, main meal, a slide of cake, and a drink of my choice. ( Didn’t take any photo of the food, though)

I have not seen Bob since graduation; the only difference I see in Bob is his skin color. He is sooo tan. ( I think he looks better that way, but his girlfriend disagreed with me). Basically it is still the same old Bob.

I tried to talk to his gf as often as possible during the meal; I was afraid if she was bored when Bob and I talk about old school stuff.

Anyhow, the food was great, just the portion was too small. I had to buy another cup of bubble tea with tapioca after dinner to get the feeling of “fullness.” (A.K.A. satisfaction). It is now 12 AM here and I am hungry again….

Finally, Bob said hi! To all of you who know him.


juiyout said...

do i know him?

CinDy said...

You might. He is a few years older than us.

He is probably not your friend, though. You don't even know his name.

juiyout said...

I talk to him online once a while.

CinDy said...

You just answered your first question.

Anonymous said...

Cindy~ 問你喔...你之前在溫哥華燙頭髮
是在哪裡ㄉ哪家店燙ㄉ? 然後是多少錢?? 我最近把頭髮燙直ㄉ說~~


CinDy said...

It is called “Nice Hair” in Richmond. I left their business card in Seattle. It cost around 55-60 Canadian. Not very sure.

I thought your hair has always been straight??

Anonymous said...

我是想趟離子燙 這樣子頭髮會比較
好整理 因為我有自然捲 頭髮毛毛
躁燥的 還會砰起來ㄉ說~~~

你說ㄉ那家是家庭式ㄉ店 ? 還是是



Yang said...


juiyout said...


CinDy said...


Mine is the cheap kind that many students go to. You have seen my hair before, I think it was pretty good. hehe..

It is very busy, though. Expect a LONG LINE